-Note the change of pronoun. Twice in four words, Paul uses the first person plural (the Lord of US, in Whom WE are having boldness...). Suddenly it is not Jews and Gentiles (which has been his subject since chapter 2 verse 11), nor is it me and all you Colossians, it is all of us together. What he says here is true of all of us, with one qualification...
-But two truths in fact. Jesus Christ is Lord - He is Lord of all. AND in Him we can see out and find new life and boldly go where no mere mortal in his fallen state would dare to go or could ever go - we are able to confidently approach the throne of the King of the universe. Access refers to the ability and permission to enter the presence of a king. Normally one does not just walk into the king's presence. You must be summoned. And depending on the king, any attempt to enter his presence unsummoned can be punishable by death (cf Esther 4.11). One does not simply walk in on the king, a truth which no doubt is lost on most in the US, as we threw off the king many moons ago - and yet not one of us would even presume to go see POTUS without an appointment (and to be sure, we're talking about Someone far surpassing POTUS). But guess what? No appointment needed here. The most powerful, most holy Sovereign in all the universe has given us standing permission to approach Him whenever we want, whenever the need arises. And we are more than merely allowed into His presence - boldness is for speaking! We can go right up to Him and talk with Him about anything, anytime. It is like a child with their father - they go right up to their dad as he sits in his regal dad chair and hop (or crawl) into his lap and start talking away (or perhaps they simply sit there and enjoy the reassurance and security of being close to him). They are not simply tolerated - Abba Daddy gives them his full and undivided attention. Of course this is a best case scenario with a gracious and kind and patient and undistracted father, but isn't this exactly what we get with our Heavenly Father? Faith unlocks unique unparalleled access to the King of the universe. And therein lies the qualification - faith. Faith - faith in Jesus Christ - simultaneously unlocks our access and emboldens it (Hebrews 4:16; 10:19, Ephesians 2:18; 2 Corinthians 3:4; Philippians 3:9, 1Peter 3.18). It's like this unbelievably awesome cheat code which completely unlocks everything in the game (but no game, this - our eternal destiny is at stake!). We are completely forgiven and declared right with God when we put our faith, our trust in Jesus' death, in the blood He shed on the Cross of Calvary. And if we have truly done this, if we are trusting in Christ (and in His finished work as opposed to our own 'good' deeds, the best of which are filthy rags), then in God's eyes we have done everything right. A difficult truth to embrace, no doubt, as our reality tells us otherwise, yet it is precisely this truth which sets us free. Having done everything right in His eyes, we are free to approach our heavenly Daddy, the King of the universe, at any time. And we have the confidence to do so when we know in our hearts that we are right, not in an arrogant or cocky way but rather with calm unhesitating assurance. A standing appointment - to this we have been appointed, simply through faith in Jesus. Praise Him...!
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