-You are light in the Lord. Walk as children of Light. Manifest the fruit of the Light, show it off, and at the same time bring to light and correct the hidden deeds of darkness. Remember, darkness can only exist in the absence of light. It is the polar opposite, and as such stands in diabolical opposition to the Light. And yet it is powerless to stand against the encroach of light. Light, the absolute antithesis of darkness, dispels it at every turn. It eradicates the hiding, the deception, the stumbling - Light is by its very nature a corrective agent. Light begets light - it spreads, it reveals, and it corrects. By the operation of the Light, when the Light is allowed to do what it is intended to do, what once were dirty deeds done in darkness are brought out into the Light where they can be healed and transformed, where they can actually become light. No more darkness. No more blindness. Not when the Light does its thing. But therein lies the key, inasmuchas the Light is designed to shine through the lives of these ones who have themselves been thus illuminated, healed and transformed into conduits of the Light. As one who has ostensibly been transformed to be a child of Light, I am nevertheless not the Light, not the Primary Source. I am a secondary luminary. The Light comes to me from without, and it is encumbent upon me to cooperate with the Light in whatever way possible, such that it is freed to do its thing not only in me but through me as well. I let this little light shine and I pass it on. I become a source of light, more lunar than solar to be precise - lighting up the night and shining (by reflecting) the True Light in dark places and dark hearts as well as on dark deeds.
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