"...in order that unto the nations the blessing of Abraham should come in Christ Jesus, in order that the promise of the Spirit we should receive through the faith."
-The direct fulfillment of Genesis 22.18, this - “All the nations will be blessed IN YOUR SEED”. THE Seed is Jesus Messiah, the Son of God and the Coming One, prophesied Descendant of Abraham the believer, the man of faith. And thus ALL those believing with the faith of Abraham become his descendants, his spiritual sons and daughters, and he becomes the father of many nations. In fact, he will be the spiritual father of all the nations, since there will be believers from every nation under heaven gathered around the throne of heaven.
-What is the blessing of Abraham exactly? No doubt it is forgiveness, and a forever restored relationship with my heavenly Father, but wait, there’s more! Paul specifically says here that those who are of the faith of Abraham will receive ‘the promise of the Spirit’. This is the One to Whom Jesus Himself refered when He told the disciples that it would better for Him to He leave them, because then the Father would send the Helper, the One Who would be more than with them, He would be IN them (John 16.7, 14.26, 14.17), to help them follow Jesus in the same (or similar) faith-steps of Abraham. Not merely external makeovers, a whitewashed mix of creeds and meetings and insipid orthodoxy, of flagging obedience and flailing self-effort. May it never be! No, we’re talking about changed hearts and lives, other-worldly, transformed from the inside out, glimpses of glory in mere jars of clay. Greater works and miracles and the supernatural (John 14.12). Limitless power to forgive and forbear and to love until death. Inexpressible joy and surpassing peace and enduring gratitude even and especially in the midst of brokenness and hardship and persecution. Talk about an alley oop - far more spectacular than any assist you'll see in the NBA. This is the indwelling Holy Spirit, the promised blessing poured out upon every person who follows in the steps of Abraham, the man of faith. Each and every follower does indeed possess the Spirit, at the ready to set any one of us up for a heavenly Sportscenter Top 10 - the question is, am I possessed by Him? Am I in step with Him?
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