-Pretty much the early church couldn’t stop talking about what they had seen and heard (Acts 4.20). In other words, they couldn’t stop talking about Jesus. John couldn’t either. You know those things you just can’t stop talking about? That crazy unbelievable play or that amazing finish? That new life-changing product. That unforgetable movie scene. That speaker or book which is so moving. Well, that is what these early believers had in Jesus. Crazy, unbelievable, amazing, life-changing, unforgetable, moving - the superlatives runneth over. He spoke life-changing truth, words of eternal life, He lived and died like no other, performing miracles (!!!), and then - wait for it - He. Rose. From. The. Dead. Talk about an amazing unbelievable play! A walk-off grand slam for the ages, THE the ultimate game-changer right there. And so anyone with half a brain who had witnessed those things could not stop witnessing to others about those things.
-John here says his end goal was for others, these readers included, to be able to share in the inexpressible joy and glory of sharing in the inexpressible joy and glory of this risen Savior as well as that of His heavenly Father (Who happens to be the happiest Being in the universe!). John says they are having fellowship with the Father and with Jesus. This word means close and deep sharing, the kind of real soul sharing where you’re close enough to actually get the other person’s dirt on your own soul. Only no dirt here. There’s no dirt in the Godhead. Only glory. Glorious indescribably breathtaking goodness. That’s what John and these others had tapped in to. THE heavenly kegger. They were full of it, fully intoxicated - yes, they were drunk on Jesus. He had filled up their lives and had taken control of their behavior. Just like alcohol, only there’s no throwing up or hangovers or liver damage. Only some temporal damage to their reputation - there’s every chance that those not thus intoxicated would call such a person a fool. A fanatic. An extremist, perhaps. Oh, and they might try to kill you. But loss of reputation or even life would not deter these witnesses, these would-be martyrs even (the word for ‘witness’ in the Greek is actually martyr). Life lived to the full with and for Jesus was fully worth it. And still is. There’s SO much more there than a little Sunday-go-to-meeting, a little dab’ll-do-ya and 18-inches of pew once a week. If only we will tap into it. That's what John is talking about. And he wants to help us do just that. Cheers!
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