Wednesday, January 22, 2025

John 1:9-12 — (Did Not) Know Him

We're looking at Good News in John's Book.  And we're in the [Prologue, vv1-18].  So far John’s shown us the Word God Who always was.  Everything else WAS NOT - and came to be - thru Him.  The Word gave life to all living things and gave people the capacity to receive Zoe Life, the Light of men.  We see Light shining in the darkness, but the darkness not eagerly taking it.  And a man named John sent from God as a witness, with words about the Light.  Pointing to the Light, to this Word Who was God and [in Whom was life].  The goal of this witness, of John's entire book - is to introduce us to the Light.  

The Light of men.  This Word created people with a vital connection TO the Light.  That we could know Him, relate to Him, enjoy a personal forever relationship with Him.  Zoe Life - the abundant experience of God’s glory.  But that Light in us was extinguished.  The first couple disobeyed God, and all their descendants including us are born separated from God.  From the Light.  From His life.  We’re born with the need to be reconnected to Him, to the Light.  Jesus.  

[9  There was the true Light which, coming into the world, enlightens every man.]  Have you ever watched the [sun rise]?  Owing to the rotation of the earth, that not-so-distant star comes into our “world” every morning, like clockwork.  Literally.  In fact it NEVER fails to light our world.  And it literally enlightens every person, without bias.  No exception.  Race, creed, gender, age, socio-economic status.  That’s how it is with Jesus.  The True Light.  He came into the world to enlighten every person, like a blazing sun rising in our hearts.  To rekindle the Light of God’s eternal Life in us.  He offers ZOE to every person - that’s what John says.  And John calls Him the True Light because there are many false lights, which present as ways to somehow rekindle God’s glorious zoe life in our hearts - but are counterfeits.  Gurus, and self help schemes, mantras and medicines, and technologies, and so many false religions.  Google [live your best life] and see how many different things come up.  Not that these are never helpful.  But there is only one True Light.  In Him only was and is Zoe.  The Light of Men.  And for John, to see Jesus, to know Him, was to know for certain that He was, He is the True Light.  Who came into the world to enlighten every person.

Many of us grew up in a Christian family.  Came to know the Lord early.  We know He is the true Light.  We can’t remember a time when we DIDn’t know Christ.  When God WASn’t in our life.  I do.  But I know.  I remember what it was like, growing up in an unbelieving home.  Looking back now, it was like the light was just off.  Literally.  Living in darkness.  And when darkness presses in, surrounds you, any light will seem like [a beacon of hope].  But I didn't know God personally, nor was I about to eagerly “take Him”.  I never talked to Him - except maybe in a pinch.  Maybe not even in a pinch, tho.  Maybe when I cussed (altho that wasn’t talking TO Him, so much).  I never really even thought about God.  And I had no hope.  No hope of eternal life.  Any hope of living my best life was false hope.  I was on my own, my own best efforts - which were never going to be good enough.  And I was living on [cotton candy].  It was going to leave me empty, for sure.

Really knowing someone is qualitatively different.  I’m talking about when you’ve met them, you know their name, you know they know your name, you can call them or text them and they will answer.  [Jer 33.3].  That's how it is when you come to really know Jesus, Whose life is the Light of men, and He takes up residence in your heart, He fills it up.  That hole that nothing else could fill, the infinite abyss, it’s full.  And only Jesus fills the hole in your heart.  Piercing the darkness, drives it away.  That’s what True Light does…

John says the True Light came into the world.  Now for John, the world is not so much the [great blue orb] which is in orbit around the star we call the sun.  In John, the world represents the specific sphere of darkness which did not eagerly take the Light [v 5].  What must it have been like for the Word-Who-was-Light to come into this world? [10 He was in the world, and the world was made through Him, and the world did not know Him.]  Remember, John” - his book - is about knowing Jesus.  Not knowing about Him; no, recognizing Who He really is, and really knowing Him.  Personally.  The Light of men.  His Light was shining.  Had been shining.  Since the beginning.  But the world had not eagerly taken Him.  He made the world - every thing on this planet - including and especially every person - His special creation, made in His image, made in His likeness - and when He showed up in person as a person, the world didn’t even recognize Him [so much so that at one point at least it made Jesus weep].  People like me didn't recognize Him - not at first.  But the more I read about Jesus, and the more I saw the lives of those who were following Him, the more it became clear that He really is Who He claims to be.  He came to light up our lives.  Maybe you’ve noticed - folks who are truly following the True Light, who have eagerly taken Him into their hearts, there is a light in their eyes.

There are three did-nots in this prologue:  5 The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it. 10 He was in the world, and the world was made through Him, and the world did not know Him. 11 He came to His own, and those who were His own did not receive Him.

Notice the progression: The Light came into the darkness - but the darkness did not eagerly take it.  The Light came into the world - but the world did not know Him.  [This by the way is still true for billions of people around the world.  For tens of thousands of people right here in our own city.  They were made by Him, in His image, to have a personal relationship with Him, to live forever with Him in heaven, but they don’t know Him.]  And The Light even came to “His own” - but they did not receive Him.  God had sent them so many messengers over the centuries.  With words, telling His people about the Light, the Savior He was sending to them.  [Is. 9:2  The people who walk in darkness will see a great light; those who live in a dark land, the light will shine on them.  A Light for the whole world:  Is. 49:6  He says, “It is too small a thing that You should be My Servant to raise up the tribes of Jacob and to restore the preserved ones of Israel; I will also make You a Light of the nations so that My salvation may reach to the end of the earth.”].  But even those who were supposedly His people did not eagerly take the Light.  Just because you grow up in a supposedly Christian country, or the Bible belt, just because you grow up in a supposedly Christian family, doesn’t mean you are going to eagerly take Jesus and follow Him.  It sure doesn’t make you a Christian.  What makes a person a Christian?  [12 —> But as many as received Him, even to those who believe in His name, to them He gave the right to become children of God.]

As many.  Whoever.  Whoever takes Him.  The Light is shining… And the darkness did not eagerly take it.  BUT as many as DID take Him, whoever does receive Him, who believe in His Name (Jesus), to them He gives the right to become children of God.  This word for receive means, to take.  Now it may or may not have been offered.  but in this case, something IS being offered: the Light of life, eternal life thru Jesus.  And John says, [Receiving = believing (IN).  Believing = Trusting].  This is not just knowing facts about Jesus.  The devil knows facts about Jesus.  He even knows Who Jesus is - but he doesn’t really know Him.  He doesn’t trust in Jesus.  And this is a present tense verb.  Believing in Jesus in the present.  Ongoing, enduring faith, trust.  The root of this word means, being persuaded, being confident about something.  And our trust, our confidence is not in how much confidence we have.  It is in what gives us confidence.  It’s not about how much faith I have.  It’s the object of my faith, my trust.  In what/who am I trusting?  What gives me confidence of eternal life?  Only Jesus can really do that.  Are you and I trusting in Jesus today?  How well do we know Him today?  Are you and I eagerly taking Jesus today?  That's the main point today - Know Him… He is Him.  He's the One.  He's the Life.  Know Him.  Do you?

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