-First, Paul says that their end is destruction. What sad tragedy this, ones who were designed by the glorious God of the universe to live forever with Him in paradise, to endlessly enjoy His breathtaking goodness in the presence of the angels, to walk streets of gold where nothing is broken and nobody cries or dies or is sick or mean or selfish. But instead, these who have lived their life apart from their Creator, lived as enemies of the cross in rebellion against God, have consequences to pay. It is not annihilation, where their existence is merely terminated and they become nothingness. Some people who would like to dumb down the severity of the penalty like to imagine this in their mind. But the Word of God does not teach this. No, this destruction is eternal (2Thessalonians 1.9) - interminable, unending torment and agony, severed from God’s goodness in a perpetual, unquenchable lake of fire originally intended for the devil and his horde of rebellious angels (Revelation 19.20, Revelation 20.10, Revelation 20.14-15, Revelation 21.8). This is not a metaphor either. No, it is very real, and according to Christ Himself, something to be avoided at all costs (Matthew 18.8-9, Matthew 25.41, Luke 16.22-28). CHRISTIAN - DO. YOU. BELIEVE. THIS?
DO YOU THINK THEY KNOW THEY ARE DOOMED? DO YOU THINK THEY HAVE ANY CLUE WHAT THEY ARE GOING TO MISS? (do I for that matter?) AND SHOULD NOT THEIR FATE SOBER OUR CASUAL DISREGARD FOR ‘EVANGELISM’? SHOULD WE NOT ALSO WITH PAUL WEEP FOR THESE? Those of us who follow Christ, particularly in the affluent and post-Christian west, in a culture which is still Christianized (esp in the so-called Bible belt) but also increasingly drenched with values like tolerance (nobody’s bad or wrong except for those who say you’re bad or wrong) and relativism (nothing is absolutely true - except for this statement) and pluralism (many ways to God), are so loosely engaged with spreading the amazing Good News about the One Who said He was The Way and rose from the dead to prove it. We say God will do it without our help (despite repeated enjoinders to join Him in the mission). We think people aren't ready or don’t want to hear - actually they probably do but from someone who cares. But even if some don’t, really, so what? In reality we just care more about our own donkey. We mostly don’t want to be rejected. Perhaps some of us are trying to believe that hell doesn’t even exist, or perhaps that others can maybe make it to heaven some other way? And so many of us are so busy living our own lives. IF the souls around us and across this planet are facing certain eternal destruction, then surely many of us are guilty of a monstrous, callous selfishness and indifference that is simply inexcusable. It truly does border on evil. I am guilty. LORD, PLEASE GRANT THAT I MIGHT WEEP FOR THE LOST, FOR THOSE WHO ARE ENEMIES OF THE CROSS.
-I’m not talking about methods, or even giftedness. I’m talking about just caring, really caring about their souls and the glory of God, caring enough to really be Christ’s ambassador (2Corinthians 5.20), to really engage in spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ and be His instrument for somehow helping to snatch people out of the fire (Jude 23). LISTEN TO PAUL! 2Corinthians 5.10-11. Romans 1.14-16. Romans 10.13-15. Romans 15.18-21. 1Corinthians 9.12. 1Corinthians 9.16. 1Corinthians 9.19-24. Philippians 1.27. 1Thessalonians 2.4. 2Timothy 4.5. Yes, some are actually gifted by God as evangelists and others are not (Ephesians 4.11). But how does that excuse anyone who professes to know and follow Jesus from fishing for men (Matthew 4.19), from telling people about the hope that I have found in Christ, the living and sure hope of entering paradise and avoiding eternal detruction? We must go, send or disobey, and we must join with our Boat Captain, the Supreme Soul-Catcher, and engage all means to save some and catch them for Christ - or rather let Him catch souls through us.
Yes, we’re talking about not only caring about their fate and weeping for them, these who are headed towards destruction, but caring enough to actually DO something about it. We wind up caring because the God Who really cares and is not wanting that ANY should perish (2Peter 3.9) has already shown what HE is willing to do and the price HE is willing to pay in order to rescue His lost sheep from otherwise certain doom.
CT Studd quotes an atheist: "Did I firmly believe, as millions say they do, that the knowledge and practice of religion in this life influences destiny in another, religion would mean to me everything. I would cast away all earthly enjoyments as dross, earthly cares as Follies, and earthly thoughts and feelings as vanity. Religion would be my first waking thought, and my last image before sleep sank me into unconsciousness. I should labor in its cause alone. I would take thought for the morrow of eternity alone. I would esteem one soul gained for heaven worth a life of suffering. Earthly consequences should never stay my hand, nor seal my lips. Earth, its joys and its griefs, would occupy no moment of my thoughts. I would strive to look upon eternity alone, and on the immortal souls around me, soon to be everlastingly happy or everlastingly miserable. I would go forth to the world and preach to it in season and out of season and my text would be, "what shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul?"
The truth is, they have no hope (1Thessalonians 4.13). Their situation is hopeless. Yes, they are doomed. As were we (Ephesians 2.12). Whereas now our hope is in Corinthians 1.10, Colossians 1.27) and it is sure (Romans 5.5, Hebrews 6.19), it is alive, exultant and life-giving (Romans 5.2, Romans 12.12, 1Peter 1.3). We must tell others (1Peter 3.15), we must multiply our faith and the blessing of Abraham to others and to the nations.
-Next, Paul mentions that their god is their appetite. In other words, these doomed enemies of the cross are being controlled by their bellies, by their wants and desires. They are devoted to them. They give their time and energy and resources to them. They cater to them, and in fact they can’t say no to these cravings, these things they want and desire. They are like irrational animals, creatures of instinct (2Peter 2.10-14, Jude 8-13). To oppose Christ is an irrational act, and those who oppose do not generally do so out of a sound, reasoned intellect. It is quite possible that they had a bad experience, and now they are trying to get back at God, or are just trying to avoid Him. But for whatever reason most anti-Christians live as existentialists/materialists - they will insist on being free to do what they want to do and tend to discount and disrespect the things they can’t see, hear, or touch. They tend thus to be narcissists (worship me) or hedonists (worship pleasure), or both. All that matters is doing what they want. No doubt they are desperately trying to fill what is an infinite abyss inside and mistakenly assume that they can fill it with food or drink or drugs or cars or money or some other created thing. But with those it is never enough. It is the cotton candy syndrome, where the created things promise much satisfaction only to melt away and leave you still wanting. No earthly thing will ever satisfy. But these doomed ones are blindly and vainly devoting themselves to a counterfeit satisfaction which will only leave them empty and still wanting.
-Paul adds that their glory is in their shame. Either they are proud that they are doing shameful things or the best thing about them is something that is shameful. This is particularly true when you keep in mind the purpose for which they were created. Their life lived in opposition to the One Who designed them for glory is a complete shame. And indeed it is observable that those who are openly hostile towards God or who are living for wanton pleasure often do boast about it. They want others to know. They don’t really hesitate to talk about and even brag about their antagonism or their exploits. Not only are they devoted to their pursuit of living life apart from God, they revel in it. No doubt on a certain level they are trying to overcompensate for what is a hopeless and ultimately unfulfilling position. They are trying to convince themselves and others that they are happliy on the right path. But they are mistaken. No matter how much happiness they affect, they are still doomed, and deep down their soul knows it.
-And lastly, they are thinking about the things of earth. Their focus is primarily or even exclusively here on earth. On the here and now, the temporal. On that which is fallen and fading, and which will never ever fill their infinite abyss. Rather than focus on the above, on the things of God Whom they have rejected out of mind (Romans 1.22-25), they are focusing on the things here below (Romans 8.5, Colossians 3.2). It’s not a temporary condition or an isolated incident like you see for Peter (Matthew 16.23), but rather an ongoing symptom of their fallen state and rejected mind (Romanas 1.28). Fallen man is actually unable to NOT do this. Redeemed man is at least able to not do it (whereas glorified man will be unable to do it at all). But indeed, there are two kingdoms - one Kingdom, actually, but two realms: heaven and earth, and they are at war, fighting to win hearts and minds and souls. One is eternal and will last forever, and the other is temporary, passing away (altho in one sense both are passing away and will be replaced - cf Matthew 5.18, Isaiah 65.17, 2Peter 3.13, Revelation 21.1). The things of earth, the splendors and pleasures and pastimes which can be found along with the day-to-day cares and troubles of this life, can be all-consuming. cf Matthew 6.19-21, Matthew 6.24 - it comes down to a question of which realm is in charge in our minds and hearts. The things to which we devote our thoughts and time and talents and treasure indicate which one holds sway, and ultimately show who or what is our god. WITH WHAT AM I FILLING MY MIND? ON WHAT THINGS AM I FOCUSING?
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