-Content. Satisfied. Fulfilled. The word is auto-arkeo, arkeo meaning to suffice, to be enough, to be sufficient. Paul knows how to be in that rarified place where he can say, ‘enough’, where he truly feels he has everything he needs - even if and when circumstances suggest something contrary. What tremendous and uncommon knowledge, this. Man’s native impulse is to always want more, driven on by the infinite abyss and the law of diminishing returns, constantly looking to fill his heart-hole with something that will never suffice, always in pursuit of just a little bit more. It is never enough. Mick Jagger captured it perfectly in what surely is the universal anthem of the human condition - I can’t get no satisfaction. But Paul tells us he learned to be content, meaning at one point he was living like the rest of us, always seeking yet never getting to that place of real satisfaction. But now he is able to say enough, no matter the circumstances. Turns out, there’s a secret...
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