-See, what we are as Christians, as God’s people, is based and depends entirely on Christ. In Him we are having been completely filled up. Everything that we need in order to be accepted by God and to enjoy eternity with Him is found in Christ. There is nothing and no one we need in life apart from Him, no other hidden knowledge, nothing I need to do or obtain. There is nothing else which will satisfy or come close to filling the infinite abyss in my heart except for Him. There is nothing we can do apart from Him. But in Him, I can do all things, and I have more than enough, both now and forever. He truly is all we need.
-But Paul adds here that Christ is the Head. He is over all other sources of power, all other rulers, all those who would purport to lead and instruct and guide. Whatever power or authority I might think I have or that others might have over me comes from Him. He is ultimate. It all comes from Him, and it all goes back to Him. And if it does not, then something ain’t right, because it should. Even if it does not, someday it will, it'll all be put right eventually. But Christ is Head even where He is not acknowledged as such - there is no power given on earth or in heaven which He does not have, which does not ultimately come from Him. Better by far to point to Him now, to bend my neck and bow my knee freely in this life than to be forced to do so when I stand before Him in eternity. But those teachers of hidden knowledge in Colossae were not to be listened to if they did not point to Christ. There is no one else we should ever ultimately look to outside of Christ.
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