-Separation and distance are never ultimate deal breakers when it comes to blessing and encouraging others to know and follow Jesus, to help them keep going. Words ascend to heaven in an instant, and on earth retain their potency even over great distances, especially with the advances in technology and the advent of social media in our wireless digital age. What’s more, Christ-followers journey in the realm of the Spirit. Space is transcend able. Paul says he actually sees how these believers are doing, even though he has never been to Colossae. In his spirit he is with them. Thus we see that the words of the believer are loaded with potential even when one is not physically present.
-The words Paul uses here to describe their faith in Christ are used in military contexts. Most likely the image he’s picturing is a phalanx, a military unit that is marching together, line upon line, precise, orderly, shields up and overlapping, a solid, impenetrable, indomitable force. Our English translation here can conjure up notions of conservatively trying to maintain the status quo, of being on the defensive and not losing ground. But the actual imagery is that of believers being on the offensive, of conquering the forces of darkness and taking spiritual ground in their lives and in those of neighbors and nations. These believers faith and growth in Christ were inseparably linked to their connectedness and healthy functioning within an assembly of other Christ-followers. It is important to note that the effectiveness of a phalanx is dependent on each and every member of the group. God's people need one another, and need every member to pull their own weight, to carry out their God-given calling and ministry (cf Ephesans 4.16). Even just a single gap in the line could adversely affect the effectiveness of the formation. But apparently the believers in Colossae were doing well in this regard and for Paul this was a cause for rejoicing, even in the midst of his suffering.
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