"I myself have been persuaded unto you [all] in [the] Lord that nothing other you will be thinking. But the [one] troubling you [all] will bear the judgment, whoever he may be."
-Now, Paul affirms his faith in these disciples he helped bring into the faith, expressing his complete confidence that they will turn out okay. He says that he is firmly convinced they are not going to embrace a mindset of works-based favor seeking in their walk with the Lord, that they will continue to walk by faith and seek the righteousness which comes only through faith in the finished work of Christ on the Cross. It's hard to know perhaps whether he really believes this, or if perhaps he thinks that an awareness of his high expectations for them will provide them with some additional incentive and accountability. It could be both...
-Additionally, however, while Paul still does not know who this Judaizer is, this ravenous wolf, he also is confident that this individual who has been leavening their lump with teaching about circumcision will be held accountable, and that by the Lord Almighty Himself. God sees. He knows. He is here, right where you are, every second of every minute of the day. Not even the smallest sparrow falls to the ground without Him noticing it. He knows the thoughts and intentions of every heart. He is the God with Whom we have to do, and He will repay every last one of us according to every last one of our deeds. The one who was upsetting these Galatians and leading them away from the simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ was going to regret it, mark my words, Paul says. Which should serve as a reminder to us all. Our God is a God of mercy and love, yes, but He is not one to be trifled with. He is indescribably good, but He is not a safe Lion. Our inconsistent, occasionally casual and cavalier approach to worship and holiness and mission reveals the truth that we truly don't know (or always keep in mind) Who we're dealing with. God have mercy on us...
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