"But I am saying, by [the] Spirit be walking and desires of flesh you should definitely not be finishing.’
-Desire is one thing. Consummating it, giving in to it and completing it is another thing altogether. Just because our flesh desires something doesn’t mean that we have to give in to it. We can say no to the flesh. We can make our flesh do that which it is loathe to do. This is called self-control. And as we will see in just a few verses, it is a fruit of the Spirit, a (super!)natural byproduct of God’s presence and work in the life of a surrendered heart. Before we came to be in Christ this was not an option. But now in Him, the possibilities are supernaturally endless...!
-Now we are free, no longer to live as slaves to the law, but neither are we to become enslaved to the desires of our flesh. Our freedom - freedom from guilt and condemnation and freedom from the indebtedness to the law, of having to obey its every last jot and tittle - This freedom can be abused and devolve into license. We can be tempted and feel free to indulge ourselves and give into the flesh, knowing full well that now there is no longer any condemnation for us in Christ (Romans 8.1). Giving in to and pursuing the things which we want in place of God and what He wants. God will forgive us, right? He won't condemn us, right? Jesus paid for that one, didn’t He? This is what Paul just warned us about. We (supposedly) have crucified the flesh along with its desires, dead and buried, but it is waiting to be fed, nevertheless. Like some starving, mangy mongrel. For as long as we tarry in this fleshy body, the desire to choose what I want - regardless of whether or not it is what God wants - lies in waiting, crouching, warm embers waiting to be stoked and fanned into flame.
-And herein lies the secret to gaining that victory over the desires of the flesh - walk by THE SPIRIT. The same Spirit of promise Who lives in our hearts (Galatians 3.5, 3.14), Who gives us the awareness in our hearts that we truly are adopted children of our heavenly Father (Galatians 4.6), the same Spirit Who helps us to persevere and endure all things in this life while we patiently and eagerly wait for the hope of righteousness in the next (Galatians 5.5) - He is indeed our Helper, our Source of strength in times of trouble and temptation, just as Jesus promised (John 14.16, 16.7). He is the One for Whom Jesus instructed His disciples to wait after He ascended into heaven, the One Who would clothe them with power (Luke 24.29) - power to be His witnesses (and martyrs), divinely-sourced supernatural ‘help’ to live lives which would truly reflect His goodness and holiness and love to a world in desperate need of hope. We’re talking serious help. The assist of a lifetime, the grandaddy of all assists.
-WALK by the Spirit, Paul says. peripateo, to tread around. It is about how you conduct yourself, the means by which you get around, how you simply live your life. Do this, BY the Spirit, Paul says. He is how we get around and live our lives. He is our means of locomotion, our means of living. Yes, we are to be on assisted-living. Power-assist - but this is not about brakes. He is our accelerator - our Divine Life Turbocharger! He is our ride - our car, or hoverboard, or segway, or airplane - whatever picture works for you - if we move or do anything, He is the One Who gets us there. He doesn’t just give us guidance on what to do or where to go, He’s not just the gps, He’s the very vehicle itself. He is that divine wind beneath our wings, taking us higher, further than we could ever imagine. He is our heavenly new pair of kicks, putting that spiritual bounce in every step we take. Put Him on, climb fully into Him, live and move around in Him and let Him bring the increase. When we are moving around in Him, by means of Him, He shows us what is right and what is not. What God wants, and what He does not. When to say yes, and when to say no. AND He gives us the power to do so - to enter in, to hang in, or even to get the heck out of there. The more we starve and crucify those fleshy desires, the weaker and more emaciated they become. It doesn’t mean that those desires will not ever present themselves, but Paul here promises that we will NOT carry them out. We will NOT fulfill or bring them to completion. Not when we are on (His Holy Spirit) Assisted living.
-So I can love the Lord with all my heart to day - BY HIS SPIRIT. I can love and cherish my wife today - BY HIS SPIRIT. I can love and respect my husband today - BY HIS SPIRIT. I can love and disciple my kids today - BY HIS SPIRIT. I can love my neighbor and serve at my job today - BY HIS SPIRIT. I can bless my city and the nations today - BY HIS SPIRIT. I can rejoice in all things and be Jesus' witness/martyr today - BY HIS SPIRIT. I can find victory over that habit, over that besetting sin today - BY HIS SPIRIT. I can forgive and forebear, I can go low and go long and soar on the wings of an eagle today - BY HIS SPIRIT. This is the key to those greater works, to living that kind of life which truly lights the darkness and makes those around me, the ones stumbling around in darkness, stop and take notice. This is what the world really needs now. It’s up to us as to whether or not we give it to them...
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