-Old man gone, and in his place, a new mind, new again, present tense, ongoing, moment-by-moment, constantly made new again. Not merely some freshening up - that is an entirely different word in the Greek. No, the root of this word means brand spankin’ new. Interestingly, this is the one time this word is used in the NT. Our mind gets totally made new again, brand new thinking based on truth that I did not have before.
-And from whence, would you suppose, does this truth come? How about the myriad things vying for my attention? Hollywood, the mainstream media, government and our state-sponsored educational system, our friends on Facebook, the world? No, no, no, a million times no - not one of these is a reliable source of truth. God is Truth, He is the God of Truth (Isaiah 65.16), there is no other truth - all truth is found in Him and derives from Him. Your Word is Truth, Scripture says (2Samuel 7.28, Psalm 119.160), everlasting, never-changing. The spirit of our age insists that there absolutely are no absolutes, that truth is relative, uncertain at best and certainly non-binding. The world and the devil have always striven to throw off the ‘shackles’ of truth, they twist it and stretch it and color it and hide it and flat out ignore it. Which again is why theirs is the way of the empty mind, why we wind up with our minds having been steeped in a bubbling kettle of half-truths and misinformation, needing to be washed clean every day. We need a daily dose of mind-soap. Indeed, we should, we must commit ourselves to a daily diet of God’s Truth, found first and foremost in His Word (cf Daniel 9.13, John 17.17). And Jesus - He likewise is Truth, is the embodiment of Truth (John 1.14, 1.17, 14.6). A daily dose of Jesus - just what the doctor ordered. And the Spirit, the Spirit of Truth - He guides us into all the truth, whatever it is (John 16.13). We must be constantly walking in the Spirit, listening to Him, depending on Him (more on this in the next chapter). Yes, and as we feast on a steady diet of this life-giving, emancipating, soul-satisfyng truth, our minds will literally be regenerating and metamorphosing into something truly glorious...
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