-The new man, brand new, not merely a self-makeover, but so much more - a total me-metamorphosis from the inside out. Firmly grounded in truth, the Truth of God, about Who He is and who I am in relation to Him - I wear this new man like an all-encompassing cloak, a robe of righteousness. A brand new creation am I (2Corinthians 5.17), created (or rather re-created - yes, re-born, John 3.3) in His image, to be like Him. No longer fallen, flawed, broken, dying - actually my old man has died and something new (alien?) has taken its place (Romans 6.4) - a real-life invasion of the body snatchers! Literally, an alien heavenly seed somehow got planted in my soul and I have been born again (1Peter 1.23). I have died and not gone to heaven but rather have brought heaven to earth! This is who I am if I have put my trust in Christ and have truly begun following Him. In God’s eyes, I’ve done everything right, fully devoted to Him and to what He wants. I am not some raucous rowdy rebel given to wanton sin and pleasure. I am no longer some spiritual ne’er-do-well, a prosaic happy pagan content only to care about the here and now and the threefold self. I am a walking, talking outpost of heaven, clothed with and indwelt and possessed by the heavenly Commander-in-Chief Himself. And He's not come to take sides, He's come to take over. His truth (THE Truth), His ways have carried the day in my life, and intend to do so through my life. To extend the knowledge and celebration of His mighty goodness to my family and to families everywhere. Praise Him...!
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