-How can it be, a mere mortal like me can cause pain in the heart of almighty God, that I could somehow sadden His Spirit? The root in the Greek refers to pain of body or mind, but it usually describes the emotion which accompanies hardship or loss or disappointment. And this is what we do to God’s heart when we do not guard the oneness, whenever we let fly our words of rottenness and withhold words of kindness and grace. It makes our Dad really sad.
-And who would ever want to knowingly do that to a loving father? What kind of callous ingrate would do that? Think about it, from the time we first put one unsteady foot in front of another, we aim to be the apple of our daddy’s eye, we long to feel his pleasure, to make him happy and to feel his pride bursting on account of us. We want to hear him say, ‘Well done, I am so proud of you.’ Under normal healthy circumstances it would immediately arrest any of us to learn that we did even one thing to break our father’s heart, to cause him pain and grief.
-Paul specifically says it is God’s Spirit we grieve, this third person of the Trinity, this One Who is constantly at work, forging the bonds of peace and love and unity between believers, the same One Who is making a permanent home in the heart of each and every believer. The King of the Universe has put His royal seal on us by permantly sealing His Spirit into our lives. He is our constant Companion, the promised Helper, an ever-present Source of supernatural strength and guidiance, redecorating our lives and recreating in and through us the life of Jesus. At least, that’s the plan. We must cooperate with Him, get in step and walk with Him, listen and respond to His lead, depend on Him every moment of every day (Romans 8.9-14, Ephesians 5.18). We must not quench Him (1Thessalonians 5.19), do anything which would otherwise extinguish what He is doing in the hearts and lives of those who are His. And we must not grieve Him. More on this in the following verse...
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