"And you [all] have an anointing from the holy [One] and all [of] you are having come to know."
-All y'all, you have an anointing, John says, a wondrous heavenly anointing. A divine appointment. Not a time-and-place location but a commission - a calling. In ancient Israel, on special occasions, the prophet, God’s representative, would come and pour (or smear) some special sweet-smelling oil or ointment on the new king or prophet or priest or altar, signifying God’s choice and formal installment of that person (or place)(Exodus 30.30-31, 40.9-11; 1Samuel 10.1; 1Kings 1.34). Sometimes this anointing was accompanied by the gift of the Holy Spirit (cf 1Samuel 16.12-13, Acts 10.38 - Isaiah 11.2, Matthew 3.16), Who then provided divine enabling for that role, that work for which this person had been commissioned, chosen and set apart.
-But in this case, all of you, all you who have fully trusted in Jesus, have been thus anointed BY THE HOLY ONE HIMSELF. Not some emissary. Some lackey. God Himself, He did it. In this case, the anointing is not accompanied by the Spirit - IT IS the Spirit! God chose you Himself and He personally gave you His Spirit and set you apart, totally set you up, with His Spirit, to serve Him. Commissioned by God. But this gift is not just about giftedness for serving - it is also for knowledge. You know, John says. All of you - you know. You already know, you know the truth. This is why the Spirit came, this is one of the reasons the Father sent Him, poured Him out at Pentecost into the heart and life of every person who fully trusts in Christ - to guide believers into truth (John 16.13). The Spirit teaches all things to those who have believed (John 14.26). This is what He does - helps us know what is true. If you have believed, if you have put your trust in Jesus, you have His Spirit (cf Romans 8.9). He is living in your heart, from the moment you trusted in Jesus, and there’s no getting rid of Him (2Corinthians 1.22, Ephesians 1.13)! He is the One Who provides the constant deep seated heart assurance that we are truly sons and daughters of our heavenly Father (Romans 8.15-16). This gift, which all believers receive (Acts 2.38), is permanent. Irrevocable (Romans 11.29). Such that we can be sure that those who are now opposing us never had it. Whatever they appeared to have, it was falsified. Just a fake ID. A cheap knockoff. They never had the Spirit, never REALLY knew the truth. But we know, those of us who have trusted in Christ for the forgiveness of sins. We know what’s true. Next verse...
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