-He made a promise. GOD made a promise. Promises by their very definition are made to be kept. It is (supposed to be) the assurance of what someone. Will. Do. Now with people we observe that promise-breaking is more the norm. We experience it early on - "but Dad, you promised...!" We grow up and cease to be surprised when someone breaks a promise. Disappointed perhaps. Definitely so, in the case of bigger promises - like marriage vows, okay so for example. But it doesn’t get any bigger than this one here. Not your average run-of-the-mill promise, this. Something more is in play here, something way more, out-of-this-world more. This is a God-promise - and our God is a Promise Keeper. He is the First and Foremost, the original Promise Keeper. Not one word ever fails of any of His good promises (1Kings 8.56). Not ever. When God makes a promise, He is tied to it. He cannot lie (Titus 1.2). He is totally unable to not be true to Himself and to His Word. If He said it, you can take it to the bank. Always and forever.
-So here John brings us face-to-face with another facet of the the Word which was spoken to his readers, which they had heard from the beginning - God’s promise of eternal life. Yes, they should love one another. But even before that, they should believe. They should steadfastly continue to trust in Jesus, believe IN Him, knowing for sure that God has promised eternal life to anyone - whosoever believes in Jesus. John 3.16 - this is what we believe, the crux of it all. And this perhaps is God’s most magnificent promise - eternal life. Whoever believes in Jesus will most assuredly receive God’s promise of eternal life. Again, you can bank on it. Because the God of the Word always keeps His Word. Always. There will never be a single promise which God will not keep.
-His magnificent promises - they are many. These are the bedrock of our lives, the sure foundation, our anchors in the midst of life’s inexorable - and sometimes catastrophic - storms. I am with you always. I will never leave you. I will fully supply all your needs. I am working all things together for good. I will answer you. I will direct your path. I am coming back. My love will last forever. I love YOU! Yes, some of these are conditional, they are conditioned upon our faith. Trust in Me, call to Me, ask Me, believe in Me. But believe it or not, the key to unleashing the unbelievable promises of God in my life is not how much I believe. It is the object of our faith which makes all the difference. I do not need bigger faith per se - my view of God needs to grow. We put our tiny mustard seed of faith in a BIG God, Who is faithful (forever) and Who is able (way more than we can even imagine). And He made a promise - eternal life - which He intends to keep. He can do no other. This new unending life becomes mine the moment I believe, and will Never. Ever. End. Forever. Thank You, thank You, thank You, Father...
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