-The ultimate litmus test, this then. Jesus - what say you? Who is He? Who is He to you? Do you know Him? Do you know who He is? John puts is rather succinctly - if you deny Jesus, if you agree with that spirit of antichrist and say that He is NOT the Son of God, the One God sent to bring us back to Him, if you are not IN Him, if you don’t have Him, then you don’t have the Father either. It's a package deal, people. If, however, I am confessing the Son, if I am agreeing with what God’s Word says about Him, with what He says about Himself, then I also have the Father. It really quite simple. It doesn’t require some advanced degree. It is not necessary to understand Greek or Hebrew. It’s not necessary to know where you stand on dispensations or Calvin vs Arminius. It all comes down to one point...
-So then, it all begins with Jesus. You start with Him, again because He is the Way. He is the only Way back to God. His is the only Name given under heaven by which we can be saved from eternal separation from God. There is no other. There are not many ways to God, as some insist, many paths to the same goal. Jesus said it quite plainly. He said, "I am the Way... no one comes to the Father BUT THRU ME" (Jn 14.6). So that’s what He said. The question then becomes, what do I say about what He said? That is THE question, for each of us, the question of questions. Jesus - what say you?
I love how C.S. Lewis puts it in Mere Christianity:
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