-Jesus is not the Way. He is not the Truth or the Life. He is not Messiah, the Promised One. He is not Who He said He is. He did not rise from the dead. He is not the Son of God. He did not even die on the cross. Step right up and get in line, the really long line - of liars. Those poor, pathetic deceived deceivers who throughout the centuries have gone to great lengths to deny Christ and to deny the truth about Who He is. To be fair, there are many, no doubt, who have staked out their spot in this line who are rather more deceive-ees than deceive-ers, not so much liars who are out to deliberately twist the truth as they are blind puppets, unwitting minions of the father of lies.
-Yes, this is the antichrist. They are against Christ. Anyone who denies that Jesus is the Christ, this is the antichrist. They join an ancient cacophony of rebels. Come to perpetuate the frantic assault on Truth, spitting in the face of the very One Who died to save their soul, this gentle and humble One Whose yoke is easy and burden is light and Who alone can fill the infinite abyss in their heart. Still, the war persists.
-They deny the Son because ultimately they deny the Father. They are denying them both, desperately engaged in that age-old battle for mastery of their domain, such as it is. Living in denial about Who made them and the nature of their accountability towards Him. Living in denial as to the truth about Him, His eternal power, His divine nature, His breathtaking goodness. They put anything and practically everything else in His place, idolaters all. And surely, we all are they. There but for the grace of God goes each one of us. We all like sheep have gone astray in our hearts (cf Isaiah 53.6), strayed from Shepherd of our souls, the Good Shepherd, Who alone can lead us beside still waters and make us lie down in green pastures and runneth over our cup. Every want filled (cf Psalm 23.1-5). True satisfaction. It's all found in Him, the Author of life and Maker of our souls.
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