-Yes, in the present we experience brokenness. It is inescapable. It is all around us, and it is in us. Our bodies and minds begin a natural breakdown process as early as our 20’s. It is possible to slow the onset of this breakdown through diet and exercise and other habits of health, but no amount of exercise or money or lotions or surgeries or supplements can completely forestall the inevitable. It is the law of corruption (Romans 8.21) - everything in the universe breaks down, and will continue to do so until God makes the new heaven and earth. No one is exempt. It is humbling to have to admit, and one reason that this is so hard to come to terms with is that we were never designed to break down. Somewhere inside we understand that we are supposed to live forever in paradise and never die or break down.
-The Good News is that Scripture tells us that when we do finally see Him, that we will be like Him (1John 3.2). Yes, on that day, we will see Him as He really is in all His glory (John 17.24), and in that moment, in the blink of an eye, we will be changed, forever transformed with His glory, eternal, immortal, never to die again (1Corinthians 15.51-53). No more death or dying or sickness or crying. No more brokenness, no more tears. Just glory. Breathtaking goodness. Life as it was meant to be. And we will in fact be transformed into something so breathtaking and splendid that you might be tempted to worship it were you to see it in your fallen state.
-One might ask, what power is there that is able to completely reverse this curse that so relentlessly breaks down our mortal bodies and breaks down the entirety of creation? We are indeed living in a tent, ‘this body of our humility’ (2Corinthians 5.4). Paul reminds us that the One Who made it all has power over it all. He is omnipotent - there is no limit or end to His power. It knows no bounds. Nothing is too difficult for Him (Jeremiah 32.17). He is greater than all, and all things fall under His authority and control. It may not fully appear that way now. It may appear that things are out of control, that they are just getting worse. It may look like randomness increases. It may appear that brokenness escalates and wickedness proliferates and the enemies of the Cross wax unfettered and unpunished, but one day the supremacy of Almighty God will be plainly manifest for all to see (1Corinthians 15.58), eternal glory will be fully unveiled, order and beauty and paradise will be completely restored, and EVERY knee will bow in subjection before the One True King (Philippians 2.10). Are you ready?
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