"...to Whom [be] the glory unto the ages of the ages, amen."
-This Father of ours, the One true God, Maker of heaven and earth - Scripture tells us over and over that all things are (and should be) for His glory, this glorious, breathtakingly good God of the universe. History is His story, the story of His glory. It’s all about Him. All He has done - in creating the universe, creating man (and woman) in His own image, designing them and assigning them to enjoy and show off His breathtaking goodness at all times in all places, allowing that creation, that image of glory to be marred by sin, implementing a plan to restore that creation in a new heavens and earth and to redeem out a family of rescued adopted children (mutts all), a multicolored multitude of worshippers who freely devote themselves to enjoying and celebrating and spreading the knowledge of His glory to every nation under heaven and on into eternity - all this will result in a maximal display of how awesome and glorious He truly is.
-He is so incomparably better, and He has certainly vested some of this goodness in all He has made. It is all very good, or was, before being marred by sin and brokenness and corruption and decay. Thankfully, much of it still retains some vestige of that goodness which even unbelievers get to enjoy to a certain extent. Humanity still carries within that seed of longing for glory, men and women everywhere trying to find and enjoy and possess goodness in just about any form, trying to get back to the Garden. Step back and take a look - one can see this native impulse manifest itself constantly. The plan of God, revealed throughout the pages of Scripture and played out through the annals of history - is now playing in a theater of someone’s life near you. Many theaters, in fact. So many lives, so many days, indeed, each and every one steeped with abundant opportunities for enjoying and celebrating and reflecting the manifold goodness of God, each soul wonderfully designed to do so in its own unique fashion, unto to the ages of ages. Forever and ever. Unending goodness. Unending glory. For all to see, acknowledge, enjoy, celebrate. This was our destiny - in the beginning, and now is again, for those who have been thus re-destined. Paradise lost-and-found. Glory re-gained. Our glorious God is so good, just so unbelievably indescribably good and great and incomparably better than any and every other thing in the universe, it would indeed take an eternity to be able to even just begin to fathom and appreciate just how glorious He truly is. Which is precisely the point. Amen.
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