Sunday, January 28, 2018

Galatians 3:28 - All... One.

"There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is not male and female.  For all of you are one in Christ Jesus.’

-Tremendous truth in these preceding verses, but one thing we’ve needed to notice is the recurrence of a tiny little yet humungous pronoun - all.  All are sons.  All are clothed with Jesus.  And Paul uses it again here - all one.  One hundred percent.  Not just those of Jewish extraction (in other words, circumcised).  In fact, it totally does not matter who you are or your status or your gender - there is no distinction in Christ, for those who have put their trust in Him.  And there are no special seats on the bus, no preferential treatment, no fastpass line or first-come first-served thing going on here.  We are all treated the same in Christ, same access, same status, same family.  All one.  And it’s not even that we are all for one and one for all (altho that can certainly be part of our mindset).  There is a oneness, a common unity, an amalgamation of every last part into one entity, one body, one universal organism which transcends all would-be differences of race and ethnicity and status and gender, of age and personality and gifting.  Together we are the Bride of Christ, and we are to glorify Christ our Bridegroom in the beauty of love and devotion to Him AND to one another.  Forever and ever.  This bond is stronger than anything that would push us apart (or should be).  God help us.  Truly...

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