-This One Who is our Helper ‘if’ (when) we sin - Jesus our Righteous Savior - He is in fact the propitiation for our sins. The be-all end-all ultimate sin-help, right there - but that word is a religious mouthful. Shew! But what does it mean? The Greek word is hilasmos, which traditionally refers to that person or thing, some sacrifice or offering which appeases the wrath of whatever god or spirit needs to be appeased. In this case we are not talking about some petty deity who is merely hacked off at the local denizens. It’s not some insecure or struggling demiurge whose power somehow is dependent upon the slavish devotion of his subjects. Rather we understand that we are talking about the one true almighty God, infinitely powerful and wise and loving and holy, and His righteous wrath is naturally directed towards our sins which we have committed against Him, things we’ve done, things we haven’t done - all the ways in which we fall short of bearing His image and loving Him with all our hearts. And this wrath - which we justly deserve - He poured out ON HIS SON, at the Cross, because He loved us. The sin-help began right there. He put our sins on His only begotten Son, Jesus, Who is this perfect once-and-for-all hilasmos for our sins (Hebrews 10.12, 1Peter 3.18). All of them (1John 1.7). That’s what God’s tells us. Jesus paid the penalty for every single one of them, past, present and future. And in fact, not only all our sins but also all the sins of all the whole world. That’s the word - do not miss it - whole. The. Whole. Wide. World. The whole thing, the whole shebang, the whole kit-and-caboodle, the whole ball of wax, the whole enchilada, every part of it - Jesus paid it all, He propitiated all of it, for all. And that means everyone (2Corinthians 5.14-15, 5.19; Hebrews 2.9).
-With all due respect to Brother Calvin, there appears to be nothing here which requires one to restrict the scope of this propitiation. At least not in this verse - no limited atonement here. "You too are a part of the whole world - let not your heart deceive itself, and think, the Lord died for Peter and Paul, but not for me" (Martin Luther). Certainly this sacrifice avails nothing for Satan or fallen angels, as is envisioned by Calvin in the straw man objection he erects in suggesting that John here is not referring to the whole world but rather only to the elect. This is for human beings, image bearers only. Now we’re not suggesting that all has been forgiven which has been propitiated . No, forgiveness must also be appropriated, received - by faith. But that, to as many as receive Him, whoever believes in Him. No believe-y, no forgive-y. But whoever - anyone in the whole wide world who - believes in Him will never be condemned and will never perish. Yes, Jesus paid it all for all - all to Him I owe...
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