Friday, November 16, 2018

1John 4:5 - Heaping helping of insipid platitudes and a little side of Jesus...?

-”They out of the world are, because of this out of the world they are speaking and the world is hearing them.”

-Ah, these pesky antichrists.  All these ones who oppose those who are out of God (in Christ) - these are out of the world.  They belong to the world, to this world system, to that which has been aligned against God and His purposes from the very beginning.  And increasingly so.  That’s what Paul wrote to Timothy, that “things” will be going from bad to worse (2Timothy 3.13), deceived deceivers, imposters, posers.  Remember John is talking about false prophets - ones who purport to actually have a message from God.  And whatever message they are communicating does not acknowledge Jesus as Messiah.  It does not make Him famous.  It does not flatter Him or reinforce the truth about Him in any way.  At best, these worldly teachers are a distraction, but know for sure that no matter how much Scripture they may employ, the source for their material is the world.  Worldly wisdom and values - fallen, flawed, fallacious.  And ultimately opposed to the truth about Jesus.  But the citizens of the world, those who subscribe to the world system, its ways and values, they listen to these false prophets.  They accumulate for themselves teachers who tickle their ears and spout off all kinds of pithy, profound, feel good drivel.  They may even offer lip service to Jesus.  Jesus is alright with me.  Sure, I believe in Jesus.  Jesus and (all) the (other) prophets and teachers.  The flavor of the month, I’ll take a little of that, a little dab’ll do ya.  Would you like some Jesus with your combo meal?  Sure, I’ll take a little side of Jesus with that - but not too much!  Building their castle on so much shifting sand.  They seem wise and compassionate, they sound progressive, educated, they are entertaining and they make people feel better about themselves.  But Jesus Messiah is left out of the picture.  He is relegated to a minor role at best.  Whatever ado they are making, it is not much ado about Jesus.  Jesus Messiah doesn’t sell tickets, He doesn’t grow ratings, and frankly He is a fork.  He is a pain in the spiritual you-know-what.  He believes in absolute truth (He IS Absolute Truth).  He forces you to be honest about your sin and guilt before God and to deal with it, and the world doesn’t want to hear that.  It’s uncomfortable (can’t have that!).  It’s judgmental, narrow-minded, bigoted, antiquated, victorian.  It’s intolerant - and the world won’t tolerate intolerance.  So they listen to the ones - almost anyone - who will tolerate them and let them continue to wallow in their waywardness (2Timothy 4.3).  Heaping helpings of insipid platitudes, and nary a hint of sound doctrine.  But ours is no popularity contest.  Ours is an Audience of One.  #AO1

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