Sunday, December 16, 2018

1John 4:18 - The Quintessential Fear Eradicator

"Fear is not in love but rather the perfect love out is throwing the fear, because the fear punishment is having, but the [one] fearing has not been perfected in the love."

-No fear.  Not afraid.  Is this possible?  To be free of fear?  Fear-less?  Fear is the unpleasant emotion associated with the anticipation of some pain or loss.  We’re talking danger - could be real, could be imagined.  So many things to be afraid of, some of them dangerous, some not at all.  Google is full of suggestions.  Fear of abandonment.  Bees.  Clowns.  Death.  Everything.  Flying.  God.  Holes.  Intimacy.  Judgment.  Ketchup.  Long words.  Missing out.  Needles.  Open spaces.  Poison.  Quiet.  Rejection.  Spiders.  Tiny holes.  Unknown.  Vomiting.  Water.  Xrays.  Your home.  Zombies.  Curious fears: fear of yellow; zippers; zebras; xylophones; work; vegetables; vowels; unicorns; knees; hair; feet; fear; eyes; cotton balls.  Legitimate fears: roaches; rats; snakes; the dark; wasps; public speaking; heights; elevators and escalators; commitment; cats.  Surely the big four are:  Failure.  Punishment.  Rejection.  Death.  And to be sure, judgment - THE Judgment - involves all four.  Now that is definitely something to be afraid of...!

-But John is talking about being in this place where there is no fear, no fear of punishment in that fateful Day of Judgment.  Which brings up the question of fear removal.  What is that which dissipates and eradicates fear?  Love.  Love throws out fear.  Throws it right out.  In the garbage.  Love is the quintessential fear eradicator.  You don’t need to be afraid of something or someone who loves you.  Not if they are perfect and good and love you perfectly.  Like God.  And when love - His love - is perfected in us and is flowing through us, we have further confirmation that He is in us, at work and abiding in us, and that we have truly passed out of death into life, out of condemnation and into the light of His glory and grace, this beautiful place where we are fully accepted and fully pleasing to Him.  No fear.  Not anymore...

-Yes, to face the wrath and punishment of almighty God would be a terrifying thing (Hebrews 10.31), but when we come to this place where we see His love and it is perfected in us, then we know we no longer need to fear His punishment.  And to that point, John says the one who is still struggling with fear of punishment, the one who is more focused on the “unsafe” side of our God has not yet come to fully understand and embrace His “good” side.  As Mr. Beaver of Narnia reminds us, of course He’s not safe - but He is good!  That’s what John is trying to tell us - God is love, and He is GOOD!  Get caught up in that, in the love which He has displayed and lavishly slathered on us through His Son, and get caught up in the dogged pursuit of seeing this love manifested in our relationships with one another, with our fellow believers.  It will take time, and some sacrifice, but we - the “we” who could be - are worth it.  He is worth it.  And if and when we ever get there, it will be a beautiful thing...

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