Saturday, January 26, 2019

1John 5:19 - The Wiley Wolf and His Wooly Blindfold

” We are having come to know that out of God we are and the whole world is lying down in the evil one.”

-We are of God.  John says, we are His.  We belong to Him.  We know who we are, and we know Whose we are.  We are out of God.  Out of this world.  And thus we know whose we are NOT.  Because the whole rest of the world belongs to the evil one.  He who is in the world, the prince of the power of the air, the ruler/god of this world (cf John 12.31, 14.30, 16.11; 2Corinthians 4.4; Ephesians 2.2).  He is no god, but for now, in this present age, he da man.  He goin’ down, but hedaman.  He’s sort of in charge, the quintessential flunky.  He’s been cast out of heaven down to earth, and is being allowed to run things for a season while the harvest is gathered, given not-entirely-free reign to wage his smear campaign on the breathtaking goodness of our heavenly Father, the true almighty Creator.  Doing his darndest to try and steal and kill and destroy as much as he can before he is finally thrown into the lake of fire, he and all his despicable minions with him.

-And yes, the whole world is literally lying down in him.  They bend over backwards to aid and abet his sinister schemes - often unknowingly.  They literally don’t know what they are doing, daily casting God out of mind and receiving an outcast mind in exchange.  They are exchanging the Truth and Glory of the Creator for that of the creature, giving their hearts and lives to and bowing down before whatever they suppose might fill the infinite abyss in their soul.  Resisting the promptings of God’s Spirit, and opposing and ridiculing His people at many a turn.  Their godlessness plays right into the nefarious plans of the evil one, but yes, this alliance is largely an unwitting one.  They know not what they do, said Jesus (Luke 23.34).  The evil one has them duped, blindfolded by the wool worn by this wiley wolf.  He has blinded their eyes (2Corinthians 4.4) and is holding them captive to carry out and consummate his desires (2Timothy 2.26), desperate as he is to take down with him to destruction as many would-be saints as demonically possible.

-Yes, the world is in lock step with the evil one, whether deliberately or duped, and together they will do their darndest to try and dissuade anyone from naming the name of Jesus, from aligning themselves with and following Him.  They are closing minds and hearts - and doors.  They disrespect and discourage.  Mislead and mistreat.  The body they may kill, but God’s Truth - and His people, those who are out of Him - abideth still.  We are His if we are in Christ, if we have placed our faith and trust in Jesus, we are destined for a heavenly home and to walk the streets of gold in that glorious city, and we will endure forever and a day.  Forever and always, amen. 

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