Monday, March 4, 2019

1Timothy 1:17 - King of the Eons

”But to the King of the eons, to [the] immortal invisible only God, [be] honor and glory unto the eons of eons, amen.”

-Paul now breaks out in grateful praise to this One Who mercied Him and repurposed him for the Kingdom.  This Lord of perfect patience and full of mercy and love, our Savior Jesus Christ, this One Who put Paul into service (and would do so for us as well) - He is King.  And He is God.  He alone is God, there is no other, and He alone is worthy.  He is not just a penny ante ruler in some foreign backwater, here today and gone tomorrow.  He is the King of the universe.  King of the eons, Paul says (who are the Eons...?).  King forever.  He is the CEO, the Big Kahuna - He is in charge, completely and forever.  He is immortal, imperishable, incorruptible, indestructible - never tiring or running low on life or love or energy, His rule and reign and magnificent splendor never diminished in the least, not one iota.  And yet He is invisible.  He dwells in inapproachable light, which no man can see.  Not from earth.  Not in our fallen state, with fallen eyes (1Timothy 6.16).  Incomparable, incomprehensible brilliance.  For now, the raw unbridled splendor of His majesty is hidden away from human eyes.  For now, we see only a dim reflection, His glories declared throughout the heavens and mirrored in the lives of the redeemed.  

Truly this God, Jesus Christ, is worthy of all honor and glory forever and ever.  Eons of eons - Paul gives us a function of infinite exponentiality.  Forever times forever, to infinity and beyond, up and to the right until the cows come home and way after that - this is extent to which God the Son is deserving of and the duration in which He will be receiving honor and glory.  The affirmation and enjoyment and celebration of His excellencies and His breathtaking goodness.  Yes, Paul is biased at this point, caught up in the rapture of the realization of the Lord’s great love and mercy and patience poured out on him - but is this not the place to which all we ought to arrive and be kept as well?  May we each be so similarly biased as to what is the proper response to almighty God the One and Only, our eternal King, King of the Eons.  May we each learn to be so employed, with that company of heaven, in giving honor and glory to the Lamb Who was slain and to the One Who sits on the throne of heaven forever and ever, forever times forever, (Revelation 5.11-13).  Amen!

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