Wednesday, July 10, 2019

1Timothy 5:20 - Dirty laundry

”The [ones] sinning, in the face of all be reproving, in order that also the rest fear may be having.”

-Okay, how does this reconcile with go to your brother in secret...?  Those who stand before God’s people in a position of leadership have a higher degree of accountability before God and His people.  Their example carries a higher degree of impact, and as such if there is a leader who is willfully continuing in disobedience, they must be made an example.  In the presence of all.  Publicly.  Their public position requires a public explanation.  A tragic object lesson.  This is technically not slander - slander is making false statements about someone else which damage their reputation.  In this case, we’ve already verified their veracity by multiple witnesses.  One of the leaders of God’s people is engaged in ongoing sin, and this must be nipped in the bud, lest others be swayed by their example.

-Note that there is some healthy fear which is at least one of the intended results of this public reproof.  Not all fear is unhealthy.  Fear can help us refrain from making foolish choices.  It provides a layer of restraint, of accountability.  Fear just might save your life one day.  And because the church goes public with this disobedience, the rest will be sobered to avoid a similar fate.  Nobody wants their dirty laundry aired in public, now do they?

-We know there had to be some hesitation here, some reluctance to basically shame a person in public, not only because it would run counter-culture almost everywhere, but also because of what Paul says immediately after this.  Next verse...

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