-Inasmuch as Paul is wrapping up this letter, it is entirely appropriate that he here employs the standard Hebrew leavetaking, shalom, a wish for peace. But there is more to it than that...
-The new creation, founded upon the cross of Christ, is now the "canon", the rule of thumb by which people can relate to God - and to one another. It is the new gold standard of acceptance and of family ties. We’re no longer to measure one another by the amount of skin on our members, nor by any other worldly standard. The new measure is, how far away (or close) are we to Jesus? Are we found in Him? Have we put our trust in Him? Having done so, we are fully and forever accepted by the Father, and we should extend this same acceptance to any and all others who do likewise. A warm family embrace for all those fellow pilgrims who once were lost but who now have found their way to the Cross, our brothers and sisters who name the Name of Jesus...!
-For those who do embrace this new norm, Paul has profoundest wishes for peace and mercy. A wish for shalom, overall well-being, a state of blessedness and happiness. Isn’t this this is precisely what Jesus taught, the reality of the beatitudes, that those who pursue peace and who are full of mercy will themselves find great peace and mercy from the hand of their heavenly Father (Matthew 5.7-9)?
-Paul adds a wish for peace and mercy to also be upon Israel - ‘the Israel of God’. Nowhere else in the NT does he say this. Some say Paul is referring to Messianic Jews. Others suggest (insist actually) that he is referring more broadly to what would be considered the true Israel, the new nation of God’s people which includes both Jews and Gentiles who have come to the Cross, who have trusted in the Messiah. Safe to say he is not referring to the geopolitical nation or to those who are biologically descended from abraham. Not all of those were or are walking by this new canon. Very likely, in keeping with the spirit of this letter, Paul has in mind a growing, expanding spiritual tribe which includes both Jews and Gentiles alike - any and all who are trusting in the Good News of Jesus. Such that he is wishing peace and mercy upon both the individuals who are doing so, and upon the collective body of these believers. The old bumper sticker says it well - no Jesus, no peace. Know Jesus, know peace. (and mercy!). Let it be so...!
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