Tuesday, February 12, 2019

1Timothy 1:6-7 - Deviants

"...which certain ones having strayed were turned unto empty talk...wanting to be teachers of law, not understanding what they are saying nor about what they are asserting.”

-So Paul says that some have strayed.  Strayed from these things - from love, from a pure heart and clean conscience and sincere faith.  Some men have strayed, he says.  Aspiring, would-be teachers.  In our day of progressive egalitarianism (more on this in chapter 2) it could also be women who have strayed.  Paul probably has a few folks in mind (he mentions two by name in 1Timothy 1.20).  These are the ones who are teaching differently.  They are speculating, making assertions about things which are uncertain, and in doing so they have literally missed the mark.  Deviated off course.  They are in fact becoming deviants... :(  Paul says they are caught up in empty talk.  Fruitless discussion.  They are not only wasting their own time (and that of those around them), when you have one who has strayed off the path they are in danger of leading others astray as well.  We are to be pursuing (together) Jesus.  Pursuing love.  And these fellows have turned aside from that.  They are missing that mark.

-Not only do they lack certainty (they don’t lack confidence, but they apparently are focusing on things about which one cannot be certain), they lack understanding.  It sounds like their hearts may even be in the right place, wanting to teach God’s law (which Paul kind of affirms as a motive in 1Timothy 3.1 - altho surprisingly James somewhat discourages folks from aspiring to teach, James 3.1).  Questions of motives and character aside, what these clearly lack is competence.  They may or may not actually be able to teach (an indispensable quality - 1Timothy 3.2; 2Timothy 2.2, 2.24), but competence for a teacher also involves understanding their subject matter.  It is way more than simply knowing facts.  Sadly, these definitely do not have sufficient understanding of what they are saying, what they are trying to teach.  Understanding is the reasoning perceiving mind in action.  Perception.  Awareness.  Insight.  Illumination.  For these guys, the light needs to come on.  Knowledge, the knowing of various facts, must be accompanied by understanding - the insight into how those facts synthesize and relate to one another and to life - and also accompanied by wisdom, which is the ability to apply this truth, both for myself and those around me.  This is why Paul asked the Lord to fill people with the knowledge of His will with all spiritual wisdom and understanding (Colossians 1.9).  It is not just about knowing.  It is about doing.  Applying well what we know.  But their lack of understanding here is not due to any lack of effort on their part.  The things on which they are focusing are speculative.  That plane is just not going to land.  It is impossible to know for certain, thus they will never be able to arrive at any requisite understanding of these things such that they could teach them to others in a way which would build up their faith.  They are wasting their time, and that of anyone who gives them an audience.  Pouring it down the drain.  And time is one thing which is too precious to waste and fritter away on empty talk.  You can’t get it back.  Let’s remember, the target is love.  Great Command, New Command, Great Commission.  Let’s focus on these.

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